Dang, George. You write with such energy. My favorite read. How come you're not the main writer on the Rolling Stone magazine?

P.S. God bless you and family with current situation in your country.

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Why none of the usual feedback, George?

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This is pretty interesting, George, a longer time-line in the tracing of musical evolution. Only confirms the extent to which the seeds of innovative styles of music are sown much earlier than we usually realise. The earliest incarnations are usually the most genuine, while the first updating of the original material would appear to be the most technically and musically proficient -- after which the stylisation produces diminishing returns. Or something like that. Look forward to similar l--o--n--g trackings of the deep origins of the music we revere. (Oh, and just a sidenote, I never but NEVER imagined that the proverbial trains in question were ever anything other than just trains chugging through the night!!)

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Interestingly, I can't really hear the same type of guitar growl on all versions, but Burnettes'. Which is a pity, because it really kicks ass. It would be a perfect song for the late 70-80's reincarnation of The Pirates to cover - they did a great version of "Honey Hush", which I prefer to Paul McCartney's, for example, but apparently they did not perform this rockabilly classic. Although I feel their version of "Lonesome Train" borrows a bit from "Train Kept A-Rollin'".

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